Callahan is growing like a weed he now crawls everywhere he hates to be contained.he pulls him self up ,Nicole went into his room one morning and he was on his knees hanging on to the side of his crib, he has 2 teeth .I feel like he never was a baby, I know Nicole will put on a video of him crawling and dancing he loves the movie MAMMA-MIA he watches the whole movie and dances to the music part he to cute!!! he also says mommy, mom. daddy and dada.we will find out by wednesday what level of a bleeder he is the doctors think he will be between 4-6 Dave is a 5 which is mild to moderate.and he takes swimming lessons and loves it.and he now is in a big boy carseat he loves sitting facing seems that he done everything in his 6 month.
How Do I Move?
7 years ago